Welcome to Reiki Essentials & Wellness
Friday, July 22, 2022
Veiling as I do it. #veiling
Friday, July 15, 2022
Grief is a funny thing. I find that I will just start crying without any kind of prompting or memory. I have dealt with the grief of losing family members, but this is the first time I've dealt with the grief of a dear Friend. It's a different kind of grief.
Grief is the emotional response to a loss.
Mourning is the outward expression of grief. It's how we SHOW we are grieving.
Psyche Central says: For example, if you hear a song that the person you lost would have loved, that may evoke a grief response and cause you to become emotional. If you play that song in their honor, this is a mourning response.
I will miss my Friend and all that he had to offer us here at the Studio and Wellness Center, but we will honor his memory and keep moving forward with him in our hearts.
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Wednesday Meditations, 6pm SHARP!
Need a moment to stop the chatter in your mind? Try practicing meditation. There are so many benefits to meditation, including a reduction of stress hormones! Stress can cause memory problems, headaches, physical pain, and it can cause damage to your heart. Regular meditation is a good addition to your stress-reduction life style!
Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6pm, we continue our meditation practice. Sometimes we have a theme, a series, or just a simple quiet meditation nights.
6pm SHARP!
RSVPs not required, but appreciated.
At 2 S. Madison St., Waupun.
We'd live for you to join us!