Reiki is a Japaneses healing technique based on the principle that the Practitioner channels energy into the patient by means of touch to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "lifeforce energy". A traditional Eastern Medicine (Chinese) form of healing the energy pathways. The symbols are sacred to the Chinese, much like a cross symbol is sacred to many, (including Tyra).
A treatment feels different for each individual, however, most respond that their session helped them to relax on a deeper level than they were able to achieve. After treatment you are generally very calm, and in a relaxed state of mind and body. It is in this relaxed state where the different healings can begin. In the relaxed state, negative and stale energies can be released so emotional healing can begin. Also, in the relaxed state, clients have reported that aches, pains, headaches, etc. have been alleviated.
Each Reiki Practitioner is a unique individual and may put their own personal touch or flair to the treatments they administer. Some use soothing scents, sounds, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, and more. Tyra mixes all of those along with light touch acupressure, Access Bars, reflexology, and more. She believes that the Crown, Hand and Foot chakras are important to relaxation and healing. Therefore, when she administers Reiki to her clients, she also incorporates a gentle Reiki treatment on these chakra points as well.
Book a treatment with Tyralei so that she can help you relax your way to wellness.
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